Official IB Training 

Note: If you are registering yourself, please inform your IB Coordinator. 

These workshops are billed to your school. Also, many schools pay teachers to attend workshops held on non-school days and coordinators must ensure they can track expenses and maintain their budgets. 

Thank you!

Offered in conjunction with the MNIB Summer Conference

Two and one half days from August 13 to August 15. 

Cost for these sessions is $390 including meals. These are taught by certified and experienced IB Educator Network (IBEN) leaders. These workshops are eligible for the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) reimbursement program at $175 per registrant. Attendance at these workshops is also accepted as part of your school's training expectations for IB evaluation visits.

Register here

Your school will be billed

Cancellations must be made by August 2, 2024

CATEGORY 3 workshops to go more deeply into areas you enjoy and to deepen your understanding and mastery of a particular area or subject.

Investigating Inquiry

How can we support student inquiry? Students’ own curiosity provides the most effective provocation for learning that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant.

Investigate how using an inquiry-based pedagogy has the capacity to lead students to a deeper understanding of concepts through the construction of new knowledge.

Inquire into specific strategies and questions relating to an inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning.

Discover how the reflective process is an essential component in becoming a life-long learner.

CATEGORY 3 workshops to go more deeply into areas you enjoy and to deepen your understanding and mastery of a particular area or subject.

Principles of Equitable and Inclusive Education

How can a school meet the IB principles of equity and inclusivity in the delivery of an IB Education? Inclusive education has grown from a movement that was about inclusion of students with disabilities to a wholistic approach that is about all learners. It is concerned about belonging, participation and engagement of all students by removal of barriers. This workshop will help:


All IB educators (not only learning support teachers), school leaders, programme coordinators, consultants who wish to examineteachingandlearningthroughthelensofinclusive and equitable education. Experienced IB teachers and school leaders who wish to inquire into further developing their approach to inclusive and equitable education are encouraged to attend. Note: This workshop can be delivered as a full continuum workshop or targeting specific IB programmes. The guidance will be the same for all programmes.

Category 2 PYP workshops are for administrators, coordinators and teachers who:

Learning and Teaching for Conceptual Understanding

How might we intentionally design and teach for conceptual understanding within a transdisciplinary and inquiry-based context? Developing conceptual understanding enables learners to access many kinds of knowledge and develop understanding from multiple sources and diverse perspectives. In this workshop, participants will explore how:
Conceptual understanding is central to the aims of an IB education. Conceptual understanding is developed through the pedagogical approaches to teaching to support transdisciplinary learning within, across and beyond subjects.The programme
of inquiry and the PYP collaborative planning process frame opportunities that enable designing and teaching for conceptual understanding that connects meaningfully to the learner and the learning community. Concepts play a critical role in organizing, designing and planning curriculum and learning. Together, this creates opportunities for learners to make connections, transfer and apply skills, knowledge, and understandings to new and different contexts in creative, generative, agentic and dynamic ways. This workshop provides tools and strategies that enhance conceptual understanding leading to depth and rigour in thinking within, between and across subjects both inside and outside the programme of inquiry.

PYP educators, coordinators, librarians/media specialists and specialist teachers, who wish to learn more about designing and teaching for conceptual understanding in a transdisciplinary and inquiry-based learning environment.

CATEGORY 3 workshops to go more deeply into areas you enjoy and to deepen your understanding and mastery of a particular area or subject.

Creating a Curriculum for Transdisciplinary Learning

Cancelled - we'll try again next summer

Impactful learning occurs when teachers and students take a transdisciplinary approach. This workshop supports teachers in the design and writing of curriculum that balances disciplinary and transdisciplinary learning and teaching while responding to the needs of the learner and the learning community. You will consider how curriculum development can include students and the learning community as collaborators.


Primary Years Programme (PYP) teachers and coordinators.

CATEGORY 3 workshops to go more deeply into areas you enjoy and to deepen your understanding and mastery of a particular area or subject.

Creating Authentic Units

This workshop will provide concrete strategies to assist teachers in creating a learning culture that connects cognitive and constructivist learning theories to MYP real-world assessment practices. Effective teaching is a process, not a technique, and is rooted in authentic assessment practices. There is a deep exploration of how formative and summative assessments work together to create a well-defined approach to making learning meaningful and authentic. 

This workshop aims to:


Experienced Middle Years Programme (MYP) teachers and coordinators.