Board Business
We asked our members to share what they think the new MNIB Mission compels us to do - here's what they said.
We asked our members to share what they think the new MNIB Mission compels us to do - here's what they said.
(In no particular order)
(In no particular order)
- Bring back the Summer Conference
- Host Administration brunch meetings
- Work toward more admin /IB coordinator collaboration
- Bring official IB training to the metro area to leverage budgets
- Celebrate successes at every meeting for both students and teachers in our schools
- Create different meeting structures - not always the same format that we have used. Encourage guest student or teacher presentations.
- Pick a classroom of the month and share via Zoom or have teachers come in person to meeting if possible
- Do more cross-programme (PYP, MYP, DP, CP) learning - maybe feature one per meeting
- Do a primer on all four IB Programmes at the fall meeting
- Build a calendar with our plans for 12 months in advance
- Recognize educators doing great work
- Include and encourage community connections with parents, politicians, artists and activists - among others
- Spotlight someone’s work to remove barriers at every meeting. Removing Barriers becomes a featured agenda item every time we gather.
- Survey members after every meeting - looking for how we met our mission goals
- Review our bylaws to find ways they can better align with the mission